Without routing software, one could estimate a 20% increase in operating costs due to unnecessary travel or sub-optimal routing.
In addition, you could face several other problems:

Undelivered orders
Without a plan that considers times and restrictions, an increase of 15% in rejections due to late arrival or cancellations could be estimated.

Little flexibility
Without routing software, one could estimate a 20% decrease in the ability to quickly adapt to changes in customer demand or market conditions.
Roadnet will allow you to drastically reduce routing times in a 200%, centralize the operation in a multi-user system and route any operation in the world from anywhere.
With Roadnet, our advanced routing software, you can maximize the efficiency of your routes and reduce your operating costs. Our tool allows you to plan optimized routes based on your fleet, your customers, your products and the road network. With Roadnet, you can be sure that your shipments will arrive on time and in excellent condition.
Optimize your routes and maximize your profitability with Roadnet!
We are distributors of Solera Omnitracs
World leader in Route Optimization

Ensure accurate and on-time visits and improve driver performance and customer service through an integrated routing solution
Improve the productivity of your resources by increasing the capacity of visits or reducing the necessary fleet
Save kilometers and hours of work. Simulate various scenarios automatically
High capacity and speed of data processing
WebServices: Automatic integration with ERP or other solutions

Tracking and Dispatch
Monitor multiple routes and see the progress of each one on a single screen
Driver location and activity monitoring
Intuitive user interfaces for drivers and administrative teams
Evaluate route plans in real time and notify drivers of changes to reduce your number of customer service inquiries
Integrated solution to planning and routing
Graphics and indicators module option
Roadnet is the number 1 solution worldwide
It is a modular optimization suite for Fleet Planning, Routing and Dispatch.
It includes powerful algorithms that allow you to process any volume of orders in a few minutes while considering all the restrictions of the operation.
Includes the option to optimize fixed or dynamic routes and scheduled or on-demand visits.




Other operations

Multiple sectors